Saturday, November 03, 2007

Wild Wild East

Ah .. so very Quiet mornings i like being sunday...its unusually tranquil.

this Sombre morning has a big news....Pakistan in turmoil again...Emergency declared.

Musharuff the famous baby sitter for Al Qaeda, Taliban has bushwhacked his whole country, which is not something new.

If you follow one of my old blogs you would notice i had predicted this 6 months before. I also have predicted :-) a possible Musharuf assasination on the lines of Zia.

Taliban and al qaeda seem to be the Frankenstein;s monster Musharuf cannot control now.
The spinning wheel seems to have stopped again for now. The lawlessness resembles the Wild Wild West ha ha ha...Indian politics also follows suit. But there seems to be some semblance of Democracy still in india.

Moot Question : Why doesn't Musharuf get along fine with other pakistanis ?

Being a Mohajir he always wanted to prove his loyalty to Pakistan and rise among others. The result was Kargil....which resulted in significant gains and mileage for musharuf. But he seems to have lost it now. He cannot control the Judiciary nor the bureaucracy. The vile politicians anyways fight among themselves so he luckily need not control them. Right now he just commands the Militia.

Well whats in the 'know' may not be the truth....musharuf has the media under wraps. So what you see is not whats the ground reality.

Musharuf is reduced to a bullet proof shit head who is commanded partly by the US.
There is no semblance of sanity for pakistan since he took over the reigns. Terrorism was sponsored by ISI and surrogately managed by the Pakistan Army commanded by musharuf.

This had its most severe implications when the army tried to disassociate from the hardliners. They could not...Terrorists by then had complete control of the Madrasas and the general public. The piece of shit that pakistan is reduced is its own undoing. It Never does mind its own business. poking its head here and borrow a lie from Ronen Sen ... like "Headless Chicken" ha ha ha.

Bothering neighbouring state politics is its survival card. The Internal debt notwithstanding sometimes it feels its control and influence in neighbouring Islamic states politics is the only option to bargain with the US. While it might be true, musharuf realises that he is just a bullet away from death.

And hence he can never give democracy a chance in pakistan. It might be too costly for his life. His Love and favouring of terrorism has bought forward his own downfall.

Always the Pakistan army has bent the rules and broken them at will in its proxy war against India. But while India is pre-occupied with its increased Global Economic Powerhouse image, Pakistan is not doing its "Problem-Child" image any good.

I might sound like a genuine philosopher, But yes i feel Pakistanis need maybe Buddhism which teaches non-violence and meditation which is the need of hour...
[It tantamounts to sacrilege i know, I might even be eliminated for suggesting this "Losing Religion Thingy" :) or invite a Fatwa]
But what the heck I know nobody;s even listening to that or buying that ;-)
Musharuf can't help himself from the deep shit he;s gotten into, forget about helping the pakistani people. No pensions either for him, he cannot say from here lead a normal life outside of the dictatorship.

Mostly pakistan politics today is comprised of F$%^in hypocrites.
Sharif, Musharuf, Bhutto...all have had their moments of one can claim they resurrected Pakistan.

so what would the doctor (not Kofi annan for chrissake) prescribe to the pakis right now? valium ? morphine ?
Like i can say sitting here in Bangalore-"Wish you were here !!! what a Wonderful World !!!"

No paki can ever say that about Pakistan where Violence persists in the age of Tolerance.


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