Friday, June 22, 2007

World is Flat ? well almost !!!

The World is Flat ? well almost....

If not the Americans will flatten it for sure :)
hmm.....At least some part (if not the Europe and North America). Looking at the bloodbath and chaos that manifests Afghanistan and Iraq the world surely seems flat. I am not even talking of Vietnam yet :).Flattened by dead bodies, left over pieces of metal junk destroyed suicide bombs, buildings razed to ground by bombings.The world today is a different world for sure.
There might be a house/complex being bombed shelled and razed to ground this very minute. As I have had the good fortune of travelling Asia and Europe. I serenity calmness in the lives of Asians and Europeans. But the same might well be missing in Middle East,Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan. Is there a parallel somewhere ?I mean some common factor ??

The US has clearly divided the Iraqis, Afghanis and (the latest) palestinians such that they infight among themselves and never really pose a threat to the USA.

Where the Israeli and Indian students create the next generation Technology.Where the European nations deploy the latest technological advancementsWhen across the world summits and talks are held on Global Warming and avoiding environmental hazards by adopting safe guard approaches. Some parts of the world are polarized & paralyzed by conflict strife hunger and bloodshed.

The world is flat ! It is actually spherical but is being flattened by devious Designs.
And this part of the Ghory program is sponsored by
Platinum sponsors "America INC".Gold Sponsors " America Armament selling companies"Silver Sponsors "American Oil Consuming/Grabbing companies consortium"


Vincent Van Gogh : The Landscaped Life!

Shown here Landscape with Cypress by VVG

I was watching the documentary on Vincent Van Goghs life.

Though I have not seen many of his paintings he remains a big influence on me (which has been from 3 paintings only). This documentary was a revelation. It seems Vincent Van Gogh was never really appreciated in his times. His life was full of struggle and pain. But to imagine that such a creative Genius had to undergo failure and troubled times just goes to say that what van gogh we have/know of, might be a shadow of the original self Van Gogh was.
His death is termed as a suicide. yet the documentary showed taht in his last 70 days of life he had painted 70 or more different classics which could only mean he was not in a suicidal frame. At least to me it appears he might have had his share of enemies.

Back then due to primitive or zero methods for forensic investigators his death would have appeared as a suicide.(Van Gogh died in Auvers-Sur-Oise July29 1890 at the age of 37!!!!) the documentary also details how an upcoming painter/artist started living with Van gogh.

He used to frequently quarrel with van gogh. van gogh once in a fit of rage cut his own ear. These incidents mark what was a troubled period for him personally but a creative period for him artistically. To beleive he walked to his own death is difficult for me. Van gogh by then was loving the works he churned out by looking at the surrounding landscapes. Then why would he kill himself in the same landscape.

Looking at the paintings i believe that Van Gogh had peaked or reached the summit of his creative work. Or who knows he could have given the world many more such colourful and insightful paitings of his. Van goghs paitings say more than a thousand words.
On my last visit to Europe and especially to the Musuem in Paris, my eyes yearned for Van Gogh material.Van Gogh;s paitings are normally seen as ones which have come out of desolation. But Van Gogh's master strokes make me believe he almost dicated terms to his Brush. Retrospective feel is resplendent in all his paintings.I hope I can buy an original Vincent van Gogh painting some day to adorn my bedroom wall.


Thursday, June 21, 2007

Bheja Fly

Over a Tiring Flight...I watched a hindi flick which made the journey easy on me.

Bheja Fry
iz an example of a

1. Movie captivating audiences such that you don;t realise 99% movie has been made in a Single room all the time.

2. 99% time characters / action / dialogues revolve around 4 people.

3. Ingenuity of the writer which creates interesting situations which are figments of imagination joined togather for a funnier measure.

4. The Actors seldom change costumes but the emotions change ( Happy -> Distraught -> upbeat -> frustrated -> helpless )

5. Story telling at its best.

Initially though the movie appears to be thoroughfare but as the plot is spread and the characters assume centre stage,The protagonist is in supreme command the antagonist is in supreme pain :),

The element of Fun emerges.
The Protagonist is shown as a guy who tries to have fun at otheres expense by having dinner with funny people and calling it an audition.

Vinay Pathak with his brand of Bullet Prooof (non stop) nonsense shines out from all the actors. Sarika cuts a sorry figure with her comeback. Milind Soman has put in a poor effort with his acting. His sitcom acting was better off.
Story takes u back and forth into the characters n their lives which was the best part I feel. The story telling is impeccable.

Overall an average fare to get ur Bheja Fried and Roasted.

Monday, June 04, 2007

[Qotm] Muse of the Month - JUNE

  • Embrace the unexpected! It keeps life interesting.
  • Imagination is more important than knowledge.
  • All things are difficult before they are easy.
  • Self-respect is the cornerstone of all virtue.