Sunday, April 22, 2007

Spotted : Satan @ the World Bank

paul wolfowitz w/girlfriend shaha riza

And Guess what he wears Prada ;-)
And the funniest of all he says He iz the Monk who sold his Ferrari to 'Save the World' LOL

Yep.... I am referring to the President of the World Bank.
Who has been caught napping with his pants down.
He sure has given a new meaning ( or is it Dimension?? ) to the word 'Raise'.
He apparently got his Galfriend a raise which was more than double the stipulated by Bank rules.
What on earth called for such out of turn and above average Favouritism ? It is said that she was his love interest.
Makes it a case of Satanic Raises ;-) indeed.
And yet Mr. Wolfowitz in his true wolf style says he is sorry about such things and pleads "Not Guilty" How Satanly behaviour I must say...! It appears "The World is not Flat" it sure has its sharp curves !!!!

From the archives of Murray Waas

Wolfowitz, who as Deputy Secretary of Defense was considered an architect of the U.S. war with Iraq, disclosed to bank board members that he had a romantic relationship with a senior bank communications officer, Shaha Riza, shortly after he was nominated to head the World Bank. Bank regulations disallow bank employees from supervising spouses or romantic partners, but Wolfowitz reportedly attempted to circumvent the rules so he would be able to continue to work with Riza.

Informed by the bank's ethics officers that that would not be allowable, the problem appeared solved when Riza was detailed to work at the State Department's public diplomacy office in September 2005--even though her salary was still to be paid by the World Bank.

Before she was detailed over to the State Department, Riza was earning $132,660, according to the bank's payroll records obtained by the Governmental Accountability Project. Had the bank's board adhered to its ordinary rules, as Riza was shifted over to the State Department, she should have only been eligible for a raise of about $20,000.
Instead she was given a raise of $47,340, whereupon her salary became $180,000. Then last year, she received yet another raise which brought her salary to $193,950. That salary increase not only meant that Riza earned more than Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice,
but apparently made her the single highest paid State Department official.


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