Sunday, July 23, 2006

Devil's Advocate defendth the Apocalypse

The paki foreign minister(Devil's advocate!) was calling the Indian reaction after the blasts as a rhetoric.
It never appeared that he was on the TV show to discuss about the Indo-Pak strained relations and the Bloody massacre of 200 odd people in Mumbai trains.
Pakis are confident after the Americans asked the Indian government of proof of pakistani involvement. Its a known fact that America supports pakistan for its role in its so called War against Terror campaign.
But why is the close co-operation between americans and pakis. Thats beacause the Americans had created/funded/abetted the Taliban out of thin air with the help of pakistanis.
All the while pakistan has helped america fulfill its nefarious designs/dreams.

So that being the case, expecting a volte-face is out of question.
But lets see what america stands to lose in this whole process.
Its not an un-common fact that with Indians technological prowess the Americans can go places.
It can use india as a very good peacetime ally.
It can progress as a Civilization.

A War-time ally like Pakistan may not be required in a polarized world.

After all America has finished countries like Iraq,Afghanistan. Its anybodys guess that the last of the islamic countries will either surrender to the American might or get destroyed. The day will come when Israel or America will have to attack Pakistan to defend its soil.
That would be the day I am waiting for.
Pakistan with its Nuclear Arsenal can pose a threat to its Western Ally.

Games people like Musharraf play are bloody.
He did get a Bloody nose in Kargil from the Indian Army.
But I believe he will get his share of bloody nose again. And the next time it may be a chemical death rather than a bloody nose for him ;-).


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