Saturday, March 24, 2007

Psycho Babble....

I was sort of sandwitched over a talk between a Friend (doctor) and his other doc friend. I tried to walk the talk.

They were discussin how to figure out Bob was poisoned or strangulated. The Forensic Analysis.

Though I am also into Forensic analysis of Phone crashes. This dissection of the Human body was too much and was upto a point psychobabble for me.

Ahh... well the occasion was a Friends marriage were we had met up. This was the least of the places to discuss this. and yet we were there. Actually all of us were discussing the fanatic/lunatic person who cud do such an act.

Coming bak to the woolmer murder. Some questions remain unanswered :

1. Why did Pakistan team carry on with the last game rather than forfeit the last match. I would have done that(whatever Its sill yto play the tournament rider games if ur coach is dead[murdered]).

2. Woolmer's hotel room could be opened using a smart card only unless he himself opened the door. Then Why is it taking ages to figure out jus tthe people in the Hotel at the time.

3. Why did 2 pak team members fuss over the finger printing by polize.

The Saddest Q which is emerging.....

Who wants to be a Millionaire ? (by being the pak team coach ;-) ).
Caveat is that he will pay with his life and never end up spending the Millions he earns.

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