Monday, November 06, 2006

Trip to Paris.

Dear Reader...
Apologies for my blogging absence. I have just returned from a vacation - a really great vacation exploring the City called Paris. THough it happens to be in France, I was wondering whether I had been to Africa or Asia ;-).
Paris is home to all the people from the world and equal representation exists for all. I saw many Srilankans there which made me wonder about their state. Here(france) they are offered all that any French born citizen can lay hands on to. Still they labour to get back their original terriroty in Sri Lanka. Such is the love of Motherland.

gettin back to Paris. The Subways are amazing. The Eiffiel Tower is one Marvel nobody will or shud miss if they happen to tresspass Paris. on my Flight back I managed to spot the Eiffiel Tower from the window and it was a very good experience.

My friends Kiran and Rajendra made my trip @ Paris a memorable one. Without whom i cud have lost Myself in the beautiful streets of Paris. Though Paris is not as clean compared to Frankfurt. The Charisma the city has is what sets it apart from any City i have ever been to.

In fact bangalore resembles Paris in many ways except that tall structures are replaced by IT bldgs in bangalore :)/

Overall.....It was great to be away and take that break and it is great to be back.


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