Methinks the Eagles famous number
Life in the fast lane...Surely makes you lose your mind...!
Should be changed to
Life in the Slow lane...Surely makes you lose your mind...!
These days its been like watching the massacre in the rear view mirror and just being paranoid about the situation. The Job cuts are horrific...entire towns have been wiped of jobs.
The Toll surely is bigger than most Natural Calamities
The Economic Depression is a Travelling Circus called Recession!
One day here gone tomorrow to another region.
Little bit rusty and little bit late. The Recession has raised its Ugly head in 2007 (quarter 4) & by now has taken its Biggest toll uptil now.
Though Recession taught some people some things. Some people will never will learn. Stubborn stiff dumb asses.
I will elaborate during the course of this post.
Companies are getting bailed out. But beneath the bail out lies the story of how some largesse and how some scamming has ended up
in Tax Payers money being swindled.
I think the bailed out Folks might be sippin their Tequila at a bar and wondering
wow that was really something Man...coming out of deep shit like that and having your job still (Not to mention the occasional party & vacation at thailand).
World over Finance Ministers kick started the bail outs claiming "We are in Recession"!
Its like ........Elementary My Dear Watson !!!!
wow that was really something Man...coming out of deep shit like that and having your job still (Not to mention the occasional party & vacation at thailand).
World over Finance Ministers kick started the bail outs claiming "We are in Recession"!
Its like ........Elementary My Dear Watson !!!!
Companies I feel had the politicians on payroll for rainy days like this.
They elected the yester year politicians into power today
& Now want the same power to get at the Tax Payers money to fix their slandering and philandering.
Especially the Bankers have committed the highest order crime with their outrageous Lending Schemes in the US.
In India the Ramalinga Raju Phenomenom has hit the backbone of Indian Export revenue. All the while when the Rajus had scammed and siphoned off funds to their family enterprise Maytas no politician gave a damn. The Andhra government in fact gave many projects to this Family Enterprise.
But after the slowdown Raju found himself in a possible arrest over Frauds with American companies. Fearing which he gave up to Indian Police.
Shows to what extent Money can drive the Evil inside the man like Ramalinga Raju who was awarded one of the Highest honours in Business.
Still it remains clear how he managed such a Fraudian Enterprise without the help of the Auditors (PwC).
The Share holders and the employees have been taken for a ride.
He deserves the severest punishment suiting to his crime.
I hope this year the industry gets some semblance of shape balance & poise.