The World is Flat ? well almost....
If not the Americans will flatten it for sure :)
hmm.....At least some part (if not the Europe and North America). Looking at the bloodbath and chaos that manifests Afghanistan and Iraq the world surely seems flat. I am not even talking of Vietnam yet :).Flattened by dead bodies, left over pieces of metal junk destroyed suicide bombs, buildings razed to ground by bombings.The world today is a different world for sure.
There might be a house/complex being bombed shelled and razed to ground this very minute. As I have had the good fortune of travelling Asia and Europe. I serenity calmness in the lives of Asians and Europeans. But the same might well be missing in Middle East,Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan. Is there a parallel somewhere ?I mean some common factor ??
The US has clearly divided the Iraqis, Afghanis and (the latest) palestinians such that they infight among themselves and never really pose a threat to the USA.
Where the Israeli and Indian students create the next generation Technology.Where the European nations deploy the latest technological advancementsWhen across the world summits and talks are held on Global Warming and avoiding environmental hazards by adopting safe guard approaches. Some parts of the world are polarized & paralyzed by conflict strife hunger and bloodshed.
The world is flat ! It is actually spherical but is being flattened by devious Designs.
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